Sunday, September 30, 2007

Rewind....step what??? being that i'm in a pensive mood, I hate these moods....I've been rewinding alot lately. How far??? I don't know, a year two, man has it already been 3, 7+, holy cow!!!
Anyway..there are things that happen...things that happen for no complete reason that we don't really care to think about at that present time in our lives. But just go back and sometimes re-live decisions, or fights, or thoughts, or actions, or whatever it might be and wonder...why? Was it a good decision? bad? Was it the right one? Where would I be now had things happened differently.
Like had I never gone to WSU I would've never met Joyce and be getting ready to stand up in one of the most important days in her life. Had I not gone to WSU I would've also not meant certain individuals (you know who you are :) ) that I can't imagine not having in my life at this point.
Had I not gone to work where I am, I wouldn't have met someone I love with my entire being :)
It goes on and on, and I can list the countless many situations I've been faced with that made me think. But I won't, cuz God knows that would be an incredibly superfluous post.
I guess though, I'd like to say thank you...thank you to all those people i've met along the broken road (by chance, by a twist of fate, by running into them - i'm sorry for causing any bodily harm) Thanks for all your thoughts, and insights, and advice. Thank you for making me that much more insane :) I'm kidding. I've learned so many lessons, both good/bad, disappointing/rewarding, etc
I thank you all for traveling this dusty trail known as life with me :) I hope I haven't caused most of you many brain farts, or aneurisms. Had it not been for that horse.....


Joyce said...

aw, don't get all mushy now. wait till the wedding, lol. anyways, i want to thank you for everything you've done. you've been a great friend. i love you lots! :)

Sue said...

Ahh, so much love. We are glad that we met you too! You are fun to hang out with.

Kieno said...

Shheeeeeeet Daaaaawwwwg! The crew wouldn't be the same without you! :-)

Anonymous said...

I love ya to girl! I'm so blessed and glad that I got to meet all of you guys as well. I can't wait to party it up with all of you guys at the wedding :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Kasia, check your myspace page. I left you a message about the bach party on Saturday :) Hope your having a great day!